Here are a few of my projects at the university.

Github projects:

  1. Regression and Classification: In the first part of this project, I implemented linear regression from scratch for both univariate data and multivariate data. In the second part, I used six classification models (logistic regression, SVM, kNN, decision tree, random forest, and naive Bayesian) to analyze a data set. The link to full report and code on Github.

  2. NLP on Digikala Comments: I Implemented naive Bayesian classifier from scratch with Python to predict whether a Persian comment on a digikala product has recommended the product or not. The link to full report and code on Github.

  3. Classification on Lung Images: A project to train a neural network (using Keras) on a dataset of lung’s CT scan images in order to classify whether it is COVID19, PNEUMONIA or a normal lung. The link to full code on Github.

  4. Statistical Analysis: A Python project to apply statistical analysis on “advertising” dataset and predict whether a person will click on a certain advertisement or not. The link to full code on Github.

  5. Rock, Paper, Scissors: A Python script to play rock-paper-scissors with the computer. The link to full code on Github.

  6. Data Analysis: A data analysis project with Python on a Kaggle data set named “campus recruitment”. The link to full code on Github.

  7. Q & A forums: This project contains database queries for a Q & A forums website, where people can ask questions, answer questions, comment on questions or answers, and select the best answer. The link to full code on Github.

  8. Computer Graphics: The “computer graphics” course project which displays my first name repeatedly in a polygon using C++. The link to full code and its output image on Github.

  9. Paint: This projects produces a painting pane, similar to Microsoft paint, using Java swing and Java AWT. The link to full code on Github.

  10. Bank ATM: A simple bank ATM project that runs in Java consule. The link to full code on Github.

University documents:

  1. My bachelor’s thesis project: Usage of data mining in diagnosing breast cancer (in Persian)

  2. The documentation of my internship summary (in Persian)

  3. A presentation for “Research methods” course at the university: Credit card fraud detection

  4. A documentation for “machine learning” course: A review on the seaborn library in Python (in Persian)

  5. My summary on this survey paper.